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June 2021

Montazeri's audio file in English 1988

Audio file of the late Ayatollah Montazeri's speech during a meeting with the "Death Committee" responsible for the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, of which the new President of Iran, Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, was a member.

Victory of the People's Resistance against Tyranny!

Solving the country's problems, ending poverty, unemployment, discrimination, structural corruption, and establishing effective governance are not possible except through such a struggle. The will that in the first step challenged and successfully opposed the regime's plans to ensnare the country is commendable. This resistance must continue by empowering society, strengthening demand movements, and paving the way for the transition from a system that has made such a criminal its preferred figure and empowered him.

The "Election" Show Ended with the Announcement of the "Victory" of the Regime’s Candidate.

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Ebrahim Raisi is one of the main perpetrators of the executions of the last four decades, especially the massacre of the Black Summer of 1988. He is accused of participating in the murder of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, who were mostly tried and sentenced to prison and awaiting the end of their imprisonment and release. Ebrahim Raisi, who is accused of murder, has been promoted several times. He was appointed head of the judiciary two years ago and will now be president for the next four or possibly eight years with the support of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic.

Incisive "No" to the Strengthening of Tyranny and Lack of Rights!

The people's turning away from the regime and the boycott of the mandated election were clear months ago, but the regime's decision to unprecedentedly suppress the candidates has added to the scale of the boycott. The experience of the last two decades has taught people not to hope for a miracle at the ballot box of the Islamic Republic.

Stop Undermining the Security and Stability of the Country!

Iraqi Communist Party
We also stress the importance of firm measures to keep arms under the control of the state and its legitimate institutions that are authorized to do so, and not to hesitate in prosecuting those who do not comply with this. Furthermore, determined action is required to uncover the killers of protesters and activists and those behind them, and to prosecute the corrupt.