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October 2022

Demonstration in London

      While the majority of people participating were Iranian, there was a noticeable presence of non-Iranians showing solidarity.  This included a local trade union organisation.  Amongst the banners, there was one from an Iranian & Afghan women’s organisation.

We Condemn the Killing of Protesters in Zahedan!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
While sympathizing with the families of the deceased and the people of Zahedan, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) strongly condemns the shooting at people and the killing of protesters in Zahedan. In order to maintain its dark ruling, the Islamic Republic confronts every protest movement with violent repression.

Nous soutenons l'appel à manifester partout dans le monde le 1er octobre !

Conseil politique et exécutif du parti de gauche iranien
Les Iraniens et les organisations démocratiques iraniennes du monde entier ont déclaré le premier samedi d'octobre Journée internationale de protestation et descendront dans les rues de plus de 120 grandes et petites villes du monde et soutiendront unanimement le soulèvement de protestation des Iraniens en scandent des slogans contre la République islamique. Un groupe de jeunes de Téhéran a publié un avis et a demandé aux gens de se rassembler devant les grandes universités de Téhéran le même jour.

We Support the Call for Demonstrations around the World on October 1st!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Iranians and Iranian democratic organizations all over the world have announced Saturday, first of October as the day of international protest and will come to the streets in more than 120 big and small cities of the world and unitedly support the protest uprising of the Iranian people and will chant against the Islamic Republic. A group of young people from Tehran, by publishing a notice, called on the people to gather in front of major universities in Tehran on the same day.