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October 2022

!Die Menschen in Sanandaj brauchen Hilfe

der Linkspartei Irans
Die Linkspartei Irans (Volksfadaian) unterstützt den Kampf der Bevölkerung gegen das Unterdrückungs-Regime in Sanandadsch und überall im Land. Wir rufen alle Iraner*innen auf, den Menschen in Sanandadsch zu helfen! Protestieren und streiken Sie in ihren Städten. Tragen Sie zur Ausbreitung der Proteste bei! Lassen Sie es nicht zu, dass das Militär weitere Menschenrechtsverbrechen begeht!

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada

• Demand the possibility of UN special rapporteurs and especially the special rapporteur of human rights in Iran visiting prisons and obtaining information about the fate of thousands of detainees in recent days;
• Support the request for the formation of an investigation commission on the murder of Mehsa Amini, Nika Shakrami and other young ..victims were killed by Iranian government;

Iraq: Thousands of Protesters Mark 3rd Anniversary of October Uprising

The demonstrations called for ending impunity for the killers of peaceful protesters, and demanded justice for “disappeared” activists. There were also calls for banning militias and ending foreign interference in the country. Security forces fired tear gas canisters to disperse demonstrators and blocked several bridges in the centre of Baghdad.

Demonstrations and mass rallies also took place in other province and cities, including Naseriya, Basra, Babel, Diwaniya, Samawah, Najaf, Kerbala, Misan and Diyala.

Let's respond to the security forces' attack on the university with the continuation of the students’ strikes and rallies!

The Youth Committee of the Left party of Iran
institutions, to condemn the tragedies of recent days, to join in with the people of Iran and in solidarity with the protests of the universities. We ask you to use every single possibility to prevent the oppressive and anti-science government of the Islamic Republic from crashing the struggle and resistance in universities without paying hefty prices.

À la tragédie de l'attaque des forces de sécurité contre l'université ,répondons par la poursuite de la grève et des rassemblements étudiants !

Le Parti de Gauche d'Iran - Comité de le Jeunesse
Dans le même temps, solidaires des luttes des étudiants du pays et du mouvement "Femmes, Vie, Liberté", nous demandons aux universités prestigieuses du monde entier, aux organisations d’étudiants et aux institutions académiques, de condamner les drames de ces derniers jours, de se joindre au peuple iranien et d’être solidaire avec les protestations des universités. Ils devraient utiliser tous les leviers à leur disposition pour faire en sorte que le gouvernement oppresseur et anti-sciences de la République islamique ne puisse mettre fin à la lutte et à la résistance dans les universités sans payer au prix fort.

Résolution du Parti socialiste Conseil national 4 octobre 2022

Nous demandons également au Président de la République et à nos partenaires de l’Union européenne de rappeler leurs ambassadeurs tant que la répression dure et de faire aboutir la proposition d’un gel des avoirs et de l’interdiction de voyager contre les responsables de la répression en Iran.

Khamenei's Fear of the Power of the People's Movement!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
a reflection of the ability of the Iranian people's movement in the path of freedom and democracy. By emphasizing the importance of the great achievements of the people, we are sure that the factionalism within the regime is getting more intense and is collapsing. Khamenei's words were cry about the broken system and anger at the rise of the national will in the society.

Broader international solidarity with the movement of ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ in Iran

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports each and every gathering in any part of the world that resonates the goals of the popular protest movement in Iran. We extend our hand of solidarity to all freedom fighters and we embrace all organizations and individuals who fight for the national interests, freedom and democracy with open arms. We expect that all members and supporters of our party will actively participate in any gathering or meeting that serves the continuation and promotion of the current movement.

Let's respond to the security forces' attack on the university with the continuation of the students’ strikes and rallies!

The Youth Committee of the Left party of Iran
Furthermore, in solidarity with the struggle of the University students and the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement, we request the prestigious universities of the world, student organizations and academic institutions, to condemn the tragedies of recent days, to join in with the people of Iran and in solidarity with the protests of the universities.

We Condemn the Brutal Attack on the Students of Sharif University of Technology!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
While condemning the regime for the brutal attack on Sharif University of Technology and the widespread arrest of students of the country's universities, the left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) believes that the regime has resorted to terrorizing the students of Sharif University in order to quell the protests of students in more than eighty universities of the country.