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International Relations of the Left Party of Iran

تصویر بالای صفحه
IRAN: View from the Left – issue 12
A Letter to:Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
IRAN: View from the Left – issue 11
Nasrin Sotoudeh darf aus dem Hafturlaub nicht mehr in das Gefängnis zurückgebracht werden!
Let’s not to Let Nasrin Sotoudeh Return to Prison!
Congratulatory message to Comrade Mehrnoosh Dadgostar and the Swedish Left Party
IRAN: View from the Left – issue 10
IRAN: View from the Left – issue 9
IRAN: View from the Left – issue 8
IRAN: View from the Left –issue 7
IRAN: View from the Left –issue 6
We Condemn Trump's Threat against the International Criminal Court!
IRAN: View from the Left –issue 5
IRAN: View from the Left – Nr.4
IRAN: View from the LEFT – Nr.3
Halt all restrictions on the medical and health trade resulting from sanctions
COVID-19 disease in Iran
IRAN: View from the Left – Nr.2
IRAN: View from the Left – Nr.1
Iran:View from the Left Nr.0
In Solidarity with the Iraqi Communist Party