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تصویر بالای صفحه
No More Youth Killing!
IRAN: View from the Left – issue 8
Silence against Rape and Sexual Harassment is to the Detriment of Society!
Finding Truth and Implementation of Justice Require Common Struggle on a National Scale!
No Regime can Perdure by Resorting to Crime!
A Look at the Political Developments in the Region and the Obstacles to the Regional Policies of the Islamic Republic!
Stop the Repression and Killing Immediately!
IRAN: View from the Left –issue 7
We Support the Strike of Haft Tappeh Workers!
Joint Statement On The Occasion of Anniversary of Execution of Political Prisoners in 1988
The 25-year Agreement with China is Non-Transparent, against the National Interest and must be Rejected and Condemned!
Iraq: Popular demands for change mount as new government faces deepening crises
Annexation of the West Bank of the Jordan River to the Israeli Territory is Contrary to the International Laws and Agreements and must be Condemned!
Death penalty against protesters must be revoked!
IRAN: View from the Left –issue 6
The end of Honor Killings and Violence against Women Requires a Change in the Political Structure and Laws of the Country!
We Condemn Trump's Threat against the International Criminal Court!
On Solidarity with the Protests of the American People against Injustice and Discrimination, we Condemn Killing of George Floyd by the Police!
Khamenei is Fearful of the Growth of Leftist Thought in Universities!
In Condemnation of the Tragic Murder of Romina Ashrafi; a Shame under the Name of "Law"!
Iraq: Plight of the Poor Aggravated by Coronavirus Pandemic and Government Failure
Iraqi Communist Party: Early elections is people's urgent demand after formation of new government!
IRAN: View from the Left –issue 5
We support Amnesty International's Request to Investigate the November 2019 Protests!
Intensification of Economic Bankruptcy and Social Crisis, Consequences of Coronavirus Pandemic in Iran
Returning to the Negotiating Table is an Inevitable Necessity!
Nurses: "a Voice for Leading the World's Health Care"
We support the struggle for the independence of the Lawyers Associations!
Long live May Day, International Workers' Solidarity Day!
The Resistance of Culture and Thought in Universities, Bankruptcy and the Disgrace of Regression!