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July 2020

Stop the Repression and Killing Immediately!

Iraqi Communist Party
We are absolutely certain that such bloody repressive practices will only aggravate the situation, and that they raise levels of resentment, anger, and discontent. This is a dangerous path that only leads to exacerbate matters and does not provide solutions to the chronic and emerging problems that plague the majority of the people.

IRAN: View from the Left –issue 7

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue, you read:
Another violation of international law;
25-year cooperation program with China;
Surprised again;
Thirty-day strike;
The protests that resulted;

We Support the Strike of Haft Tappeh Workers!

We consider the right to strike and protest and to have a union to be an obvious right of the workers, therefore, as a party that fights for the rights of workers and wage earners, we support the Haft Tappeh workers’ strike and their demands and condemn their detention

The 25-year Agreement with China is Non-Transparent, against the National Interest and must be Rejected and Condemned!

Uproarious announcement of a multi-hundred billion dollar investment deal, with silence about the nature of this long-term partnership, when the Chinese government cannot even keep its promises to invest billions of dollars in Iran's oil and gas industry, can only be done by those who turn a blind eye to the realities and out of despair and helplessness and drowning in their enemy-driven illusions, hope for a miracle in the "East".

Iraq: Popular demands for change mount as new government faces deepening crises

Iraqi Communist Party
Iraqi Communists, meanwhile, remain fully committed to the demands of the people and the peaceful protest movement, and to continuing the popular pressure, until their goal in abolishing the sectarian-ethnic quota system, and establishing the desired alternative: a democratic civil state and social justice, is achieved.