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January 2021

Widespread Boycott of the Mandatory Election, a Good Opportunity to Strengthen the People's Protest Movement!

Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
We emphasize on "No" to mandatory elections, execution of free elections and the acceptance of free voting by the people. Holding of free elections is subject to the provision of conditions, including release of political prisoners, freedom of activity of opposition parties, trade unions, political associations, freedom of the press, assembly, and free exchange of information.

*Iraqi Communist Party strongly condemns bloody terrorist crime in Baghdad*

The Political Bureau Iraqi Communist Party
This, of course, cannot be achieved without paying attention to the citizens, fulfilling their urgent needs, providing them with job opportunities, improving public and health services, and creating an atmosphere of trust between state institutions, especially the security and military, and citizens.

Khamenei's Approach to the Corona Vaccine is Criminal!

In the Islamic Republic, however, we encounter a "leader" for whom the principle in all matters, including the fight against this disease which has claimed tens of thousands of victims to date, is the perversity of the "enemy-oriented" policy. Today, there is someone at the head of this evil system who has made the fate of a nation a toy of the confused mentality and conspiracy-oriented, ambitious and adventurous policies of the regime.

We Support the Haft Tappeh Workers’ Struggle for their Rights!

The workers' struggle against privatization of Haft Tappeh and other ceded units is in fact part of the people's struggle against corruption and looting of public properties by the regime agents and their affiliates and in defense of public rights. This fact shows that other groups who oppose the waste of the country's capital, support the Haft Tappeh workers to achieve their demands and put pressure on the regime to punish the looters of national capital.

Happy New Year to All!

Over the past year, many people around the world have become increasingly vulnerable to poverty, injustice and discrimination. Although Corona did not know the rich and the poor, but its pressure was mostly on the laborers. In the face of this unknown calamity, the greatest financial and human losses were inflicted on the lower and poorer classes.