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Let Us Rush to Help the Earthquake Victims!

Let Us Rush to Help the Earthquake Victims!

The earthquake on Saturday 28th of January and its aftershocks have destroyed many buildings and people's houses and made a large number of people homeless in this city. So far, according to the announced news, 7 people have lost their lives and more than a thousand others have been injured. About 90 percent of the buildings have been destroyed. A number of people in this city still do not have access to essential items such as food, tents, warm clothes and blankets in the cold weather. Helping people is slow. Hospitals do not have the capacity to receive patients and many of the wounded have not been treated. Sometimes up to eight families live in same tent. Relief forces have not yet been sent to some of the affected villages.

Like all other cases, the Islamic Republic does not have a plan to deal with natural calamities in the country. The necessary budget for dealing with natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, etc. has not been considered. The main lines of the regime's budget still belong to religious institutions and the repression of the regime. The evidence shows that there is not much news about helping the earthquake victims. People are left to their own devices. In this painful mess, the number of security forces and special and law enforcement units in the city is more than the relief forces, and instead of helping the people, they arrest the helpers. What is more painful is that in this cold and freezing weather, the suppression forces use water sprinklers to disperse the injured protestors.

In these difficult days, it is important to establish centers and institutions to collect donations through trustworthy and compassionate people in Iran. Abroad, there are many possibilities and the motivation to help is high. Establishing centers abroad to collect donations and bring them inside, although it faces obstacles, but it is possible. Only solidarity with the victims and immediate help to them can reduce their pain and suffering. We should not expect help from a murderous and corrupt regime that only thinks of oppressing people.

While expressing solidarity with the people of Khoi and the victims of the earthquake in this region, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) asks all dear compatriots to help the earthquake victims. We deeply regret and express our condolences to the victims of the earthquake. The only way to avoid suffering and prevent more damage in such natural disasters is to get rid of the corrupt rule of the Islamic Republic and establish a government that relies on the people and for the people.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
January 31, 2023

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