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Delays in making necessary decisions, hesitation in advancing them, confusion in crisis management and not using all means to control the disease, fear of using government authority to force society to comply with Corona regulations, which is due to the deep gap between society and the regime on the one hand and mismanagement in allocation of economic requirements and partly the cultural weakness in some parts of the society on the other hand, are the characteristics of this regime confrontation with the corona.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
There is a set of reasons, such as Nasrin Sotoudeh's illness and physical condition after her long hunger strike, continuation of the first Corona wave in Iran and the alarming escalation of its current dimensions, which left up to 400 deaths daily, and the risk of death threatening prisoners’ lives and the recent law of "Reduction of the imprisonment penalty" of the parliament of Iran, that can be consistently cited and other measures, according to which Nasrin should stay with the family and should not return to prison. This should be the case for the release of all other political prisoners as well.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), in accordance with the very complex situation in Iran - both internally and in its international relations - tries to express the balanced demands of Iranian society for its sustainable development. This similar approach is a broad area of ​​deep solidarity between your party and ours.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
- Juvenile suicide because of poverty!
- The voice of the people is enduring
- Stop executions!
- No to the occupation, No to war! Yes to the implementation of UN resolutions!
- Biden or Trump?
A child commits suicide because he or she finds himself or herself deprived of school because he or she sees that he or she cannot continue school like his or her classmates in the Coronavirus conditions due to poverty. This is not a suicide that happens from time to time and on a large scale in our country, but it can be explained more in crime category.
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) expresses its joy at the release of Narges Mohammadi, calling it the result of her courageous stand and the all-out struggle of freedom-loving forces around the world, who unanimously condemned prison sentences against civil activists and human rights defenders and those who fought for the release of political prisoners and ending detention, torture and imprisonment of civil activists, journalists and dissidents in Iran.
Mohammad Reza Shajarian was a unique singer with a unique voice and mastered his profession and it can be said that he was the most influential figure in contemporary Iranian music. He was a bridge between the old generation and the later generation of Iranian singers and had his own style. He had an admirable skill in reading Persian poetry.
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), as a party whose core believes are based on the human rights values ​​and recognizes the "right to life" as one of the highest human rights, considers the inhuman and cruel death penalty to be "deliberate state murder" which is regrettably, still run by some regimes preceded by the IR of Iran.
We demand an immediate end to this military conflict, declaration of ceasefire and the return of the two sides to the negotiating table.
We, at ÖGB strongly urge the authorities to release trade unionist Ismael Bakhshi and journalist Sepideh Gholiyan as well as to engage in a meaningful and authentic social dialogue in order to contribute to not only the economic but also to the social peace of your country.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue, you read:
- Unforgivable Crime
- The representative of the European Parliament in the negotiations with Iran strongly condemned the murder of Navid Afkari!
- No More Youth Killing!
- Silence against Rape and Sexual Harassment is to the Detriment of Society!
- In prisons and with political prisoners
Political prisoners in Iran have always been held hostage by the regime. For more than forty years, the ruling dictators have used prisoners as means of pressure on society and tools to intimidate the people the way they wanted and as much as they could. Now that the regime is in the throes of another uprising and is facing a more powerful resurrection, it is furiously trying to push back the outbreak of the protest movement by violently repressing people inside and outside of the prison.
Iraqi Communist Party - Political Bureau
Any agreement that is not based on assuring the basic and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people on their land, putting an end to the Israeli occupation and recognizing the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent national state on the land of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, can only be described as a surrender agreement that blatantly denies the just cause of the Palestinian people and their struggle, that is full of sacrifices, to end the abhorrent occupation
Navid Afkari was a victim of the usual frame-ups of the intelligence-security organs and the judiciary of the IR. According to his lawyer, in Navid's case, there is not the slightest evidence to prove his guilt, except for the confessions obtained under torture and dictated by the interrogators. The repressive apparatus of the regime has forced Afkari brothers to confess against each other and accept false accusations under torture.
Navid was not an unknown figure like many other detainees of the August 2018 nationwide protests, but a conscious choice by the IR's repressive apparatus to say that even an international reputation would not prevent the killing of protesters, and that street killings would not suffice but will be complemented by mass detentions, mass torture, insults and confessions and executions.
The report, entitled "Destroyers of Humanity: Massive Detentions, Disappearances, and Torture in the wake of the November 2019 protests in Iran," is based on the horrific narratives of dozens of protesters, passers-by, and others who were forcibly arrested, disappeared, kept in solitary confinement and repeatedly tortured for confession.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue, you read:
Political developments in the region, a barrier to regional politics of the Islamic Republic
Continuation and expansion of workers' strikes
Crime does not guarantee the survival of the regime
Joint national action to achieve truth and administer justice
Parliament’s delegation chair expresses concerns over the human rights situation in Iran
Women Committee of the Left Party of Iran
Such a "feeling of immunity" from the reaction of society and current laws stems from several factors, the most important of which is rooted in society's traditions and attitudes towards women, which are followed by "normalization" and the passage of patriarchal reactionary laws and cause fear and instability in the will of victimized women in pursuing and punishing the perpetrator.
For more than three decades after that brutal massacre, the pursuit of litigation has continued in various forms and the struggle for the truth has yielded valuable results. But the amount of energy and time spent pursuing the litigation still does not reflect the desired results. It is important to coordinate the scattered work, especially political currents, and to create a single and common database in the first place.
Lives of another number of imprisoned protesters are in danger. We call on all political organizations and civil society organizations to confront the regime, which has made the execution of protesting citizens a means of survival, in any way they can and prevent execution of more of our compatriots by the ruling criminals.
Even if the Islamic Republic intends to get rid of the current situation after the United States elections, it will have to take serious steps to change its policies in all areas, including regional politics and relations with neighboring countries.
Iraqi Communist Party
We are absolutely certain that such bloody repressive practices will only aggravate the situation, and that they raise levels of resentment, anger, and discontent. This is a dangerous path that only leads to exacerbate matters and does not provide solutions to the chronic and emerging problems that plague the majority of the people.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue, you read:
Another violation of international law;
25-year cooperation program with China;
Surprised again;
Thirty-day strike;
The protests that resulted;
We consider the right to strike and protest and to have a union to be an obvious right of the workers, therefore, as a party that fights for the rights of workers and wage earners, we support the Haft Tappeh workers’ strike and their demands and condemn their detention
Now that we are approaching the anniversary of massacre of political prisoners, we can and we must organize and continue a unified struggle for realization of the above mentioned goals.
Uproarious announcement of a multi-hundred billion dollar investment deal, with silence about the nature of this long-term partnership, when the Chinese government cannot even keep its promises to invest billions of dollars in Iran's oil and gas industry, can only be done by those who turn a blind eye to the realities and out of despair and helplessness and drowning in their enemy-driven illusions, hope for a miracle in the "East".
Iraqi Communist Party
Iraqi Communists, meanwhile, remain fully committed to the demands of the people and the peaceful protest movement, and to continuing the popular pressure, until their goal in abolishing the sectarian-ethnic quota system, and establishing the desired alternative: a democratic civil state and social justice, is achieved.
If the annexation implemented, the formation of an independent Palestinian state and the plan for "two states" project, the foundations of which were laid at the Madrid Peace Conference on October 30, 1991, followed by the 1993 Oslo Accords, will never be achieved.
Confirmation of the death sentences and the threat of further actions against the thousands of protesters who were detained during the November protests and remain in prison indicate the government's fear of other uprisings.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
- Khamenei is worried about the progress of the left ideas in universities!
- Solidarity
- Threat against Justice
- Hundred years of struggle for freedom and social justice in Iran
- The disgrace that has become Law
- Endless crimes against Iranian Women
By acceding to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, New York, December 18, 1979, Iran must regulate its domestic laws in compliance with it. Women's rights in the family, the labor market, and the community must also be improved, and the fight against violence against women must become part of the country's education system and all executive bodies. It is necessary to create a culture in this regard by the civil forces, NGOs and experts.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Trump's EO says anyone who "acts directly on behalf of the ICC to interrogate, arrest, detain or pursue any member of the US military without our permission", will be subject to sanctions. He attributed this to the protection of "the rights of the American people" and concluded that "actions of the ICC are violation of the American people’s rights and threat to the US national sovereignty."
It is a move to challenge Trump's "America First" rhetoric which is ​​in conflict with the international institutions and all human achievements and reflected in the intensified US government's imperialist and hegemonic rivalries over the past four years.
As long as capitalist system is alive, as long as profit and capital are in the hands of a very small group of capitalists, as long as labor and nature are exploited, discrimination and inequality rule, poverty and injustice are rampant, the class divide is deepening and freedom is being chained, left will be alive.
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) is deeply saddened by the tragic murder of Romina Ashrafi and expresses its condolences to her mother and brother, and calls for an end to violence against women and children. The laws of the IR serve to consolidate discrimination against women and maintain the traditional structure of patriarchy in Iran.