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Iraqi Communist Party
The Iraqi Communist Party launched a mass campaign for Social Solidarity were to provide food parcels to poor and low-income families. This campaign is coupled with efforts to raise public health awareness and measures to combat the spread of the pandemic. Young men and women, most of whom were involved in the popular protests since 1 October 2019, have been at the forefront of these efforts.
Iraqi Communist Party
The formation of Al-Kadhimi's government thus came about as a result of the current balance of forces, the clinging of ruling blocs to the sectarian-ethnic quota system and external interference in Iraq's internal affairs. But it also reflects the new facts that have been created in the political scene by the courageous October Popular Uprising.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this Nr. You can read:
- An obvious start!
- Stop arrests and end sentencing!
- A manifestation of the struggle between tradition and modernity
- Crime against the neighbor
- A united opposition to the judiciary System
- A Voice for World Care Leadership
- Returning to the negotiating table is an inevitable necessity!
- Economic bankruptcy and social crisis
Based on its research and relying on its own documents, Amnesty International confirms the intentional murder of at least 304 victims of the regime repression and believes that the "vast majority" of these individuals were killed illegally and directly by security and law enforcement forces. None of the victims were armed and no one noticed death threats from them.
Workers of small units and their lower strata are facing the threat of unemployment and income constraints and big units are also facing the nightmare of bankruptcy. The middle class, which has long since declined sharply in terms of income and living standards, is now struggling with a shared sense of pain with workers and the masses as living standards decline.
Khamenei's tweet indicates that once again, the knife of sanctions has passed through the bones of the people and reached the empty pocket of the regime. In the midst of Corona crisis, the “Economic Leap” slogan for this year has been a failure. The "Resistance Economy" has become a calamitous economy. Despair has forced Khamenei to speak of the heroic softness of "Imam Hassan Mojtaba, the bravest figure in the history of Islam."
According to official statistics, nurses' wages are at the lowest level among government employees. A large number of nurses work in in the government departments. Even the same low level of wages is not paid on time, and according to the Deputy Minister of Nursing of the Ministry of Health, in some centers, there is a 10-month arrears and 8-month overtime payments.
The Lawyers Association, some law professors, several lawyers' organizations and more than 12,000 lawyers have stated in separate statements that they oppose the illegal process which undermines lawyers to defend people rightfully and independently.
The existence and continuation of the US economic sanctions makes it more difficult to deal with the Corona disease and increases mortality and financial losses, recession, unemployment and poverty, high prices and shortage of medical needs. Workers have suffered the most because of the sanctions. Continuation of these sanctions and the insistence on maintaining them by the US government, increases our people’s suffering.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Science and art are intertwined and together they are the building blocks of society's culture. The Islamic Republic (IR) does not tolerate either, and the sharp edge of its "Cultural Revolution" has, above all, targeted the throats of art and authors. This aiming, was not only to distort it, but also beyond it, to destroy everything that had any sign of artistic creativity and intellectual freedom.
Majid Siadat - Linda Heiden
Moreover, news of the virus’ spread and the upheaval it is causing is intensified as it spreads globally and nearly instantaneously. There is no hiding either from the virus or its profound effects on life as we know it, no matter who we are or where and how we live.
The regime does all that it can to prevent formation and activity of independent trade unions. It prosecutes workers’ leaders and imprisons them. There are a small number of trade unions that have formed despite all the obstacles. Their founding leaders have been imprisoned for many years.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
To achieve a real increase in wages and to get rid of poverty and other deprivations imposed on workers by capitalists and pro-capitalist governments, requires the organisation of the working class independent unions and the solidarity and unity of the workers’ organisations.
None of the political, press and civil prisoners have been released. Some furlough have also been cut in half. Ismail Abdi, one of the country's teachers' union activists, was taken to prison after his leave. Prominent prisoners of conscience, including Nasrin Sotoudeh, Mohammad Nourizad, Hashem Khastaar, Soheil Arabi, Athena Daemi, Golrokh Iraee, Zeinab Jalalian, are still in prison.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this Nr. You can read:
- Current Political Situation in Iran;
- We condemn the government's wage policy and support the workers' struggle to raise wages!
- Corona Virus Crisis and its Double burden on Humanity;
- Release prisoners!
- On the subject of the conviction of civil activists;
- On the subject of executing political prisoner, Mostafa Salimi, upon his re-arrest after escaping prison;
Second Anniversary of the Establishment of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) LPI (PF);
Fear of growing popular struggles has further intimidated the regime and it has intensified repression to counter future social unrests. In the past two weeks alone, dozens of civil and political activists have been summoned, arrested and sentenced to prison.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
With this small increase, which is only half of the official inflation rate, and while the wages of most workers and retired pensions covers only quarter of the cost of living standards, the condition for workers and retired people will be more difficult and unbearable in the current year.
Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
The fragility of the Islamic Republic (IR) is due to the more concentration of power in the hands of the Supreme Leader and his entourage which is currently manifested in Khamenei and his court (Beit). Therefore, the transition from the IR is contingent upon the end of the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist (Velayat-e-Faqih). The tumble of the IR is, in essence, Velayat-e-Faqih, which has concentrated absolute power in the hands of the Supreme Leader and forces under his command.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
By taking positions and presenting proposals from its establishment two years ago, our party has tried to expose its political views and platform to the sight and judgement of the movement and have impact on our country’s political processes.
The charges against these people are related to the signing of a letter published in August 2020, emphasizing the need for the immediate resignation of Ali Khameneie, the authoritarian leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Mehrdad Darvishpour
A tragic comedy outcome form this this virus is how the people are dealing with it. Dancing in the hospitals is such an example. It shows the self-confidence of the people towards death while at the same time it shows their appreciation for the doctors and nurses who are sacrificing their lives to combat this virus.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Islamic Republic (IR) treatment of the political prisoners shows that even in the current difficult situation the regime has decided to treat political prisoner as scapegoat and victim of its existence. The regime’s inhumane treatment of the political prisoners has this message to the nation that even in this critical situation, the IR is sensitive to its non-existence sovereignty more than anything else.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Elections with Expected Results
A global threat, but more dangerous in Iran
Life goes on
The signatories of this letter, who have spent part of our lives as political prisoners, request you to call for the release of political prisoners as a step forward in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Concerning the seriousness of the situation in our country, we, the four republican and national organizations and parties set forth the following suggestions designed to pass the Corona crisis in a faster time frame by synergizing the efforts of the civil society forces, NGOs, public institutions and the private sector.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
As a result of the sanctions the poor, low-income portion of the population, children and women have been affected. Now, with the spread of Coronavirus all Iranian people are feeling the impact of US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
People's deep distrust of the government is one of the issues in effectively fighting the disease. The efforts by the state are often disregarded by people and it could create the arena for the progressive outbreak of the disease.
95 Iraqi Civil Society Organisations Call for Special Session Concerning Events in Iraq during Human Rights Council 44th session.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The victory of the boycott of the elections is an important step in the continuation of the civil struggle of the Iranian people for the transition from the Islamic Republic, an end to the prevailing religious tyranny, and an emphasis on the fact that freedom and democracy can be achieved not within the Islamic Republic ranks but in its absence.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
As the value of human life takes precedence over everything else, at the moment, all the emphasis should be on minimizing losses caused by this disease. We also say this ahead of time that resorting to excuses such as lack of medicines, lack of preventive means, lack of reception centers for patients, etc. is not a decisive factor, especially as the experience of other countries in this area is also available.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
1-The rise and fall of tensions, within Iran and outside the borders
2- Statements on the current political situation
3- Election boycott
4- On Trump's "Deal of the Century": Recognizing Occupation and
5- Sympathy and support
Four Republican Parties and Organizations
In order to defeat the regime’s attempt to restore its goner legitimacy and to claim that the people are its backers, we call on people not to show up at the polling stations and demonstrate their protest in any possible way. Leaving polling stations and ballot boxes empty and boycotting actively can strengthen the protest movement and cause another blow to the Islamic Republic (IR) and further discredit it.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Evidently the Palestine issue was a pretext for Trump and Netanyahu to save themselves from the current political gridlocks to save themselves in US and Israel. Trump to overshadow the impeachment process and his successful “leadership” role in the upcoming US election and Netanyahu to overshadow his role in his corruption case in Israel!
Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
Our policy is NO to war, NO to sanctions, and NO to the Islamic Republic. We are against war and we will not stand by any side. Our party fights for the transition from the Islamic Republic to the establishment of a secular and democratic republic, relying on civil movements and democratic struggles of the Iranian people. We condemn war and leaning on foreign forces to establish alternatives to Islamic Republic.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
We believe it would be a severe blow to the ruling tyranny if all the forces who are for establishment of democracy and transition from the Islamic Republic (IR), by inviting people not to attend the polling stations, take action against the eleventh parliamentary election show.