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International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month,
More hope than fear in Vienna talks
The death of another prisoner of conscience which may not be the last loss of life in Iran's prisons
A Futile Journey
Continuation of the protest of cultural creators
One of the inhumane acts of the Islamic Republic is the arrest of dual nationals in order to gain concessions in relations with other countries through hostage-taking. Wherever criminal agents or dispatched terrorists of the regime are trapped, the Islamic Republic takes hostages so that it can emancipate its criminal agents from punishment by bargaining.
The Islamic Republic has not only blocked transparent information in society, it is also unwilling to reveal what it has agreed on in any agreement. It is still unclear what areas the memorandum signed with the Chinese government for 25 years covers. It is now seeking a comprehensive strategic agreement with Russia.
After the killing of Baktash Abtin and its widespread reflection in the society and condemning the role of the regime in this kind of killings, the judiciary of the Islamic Republic was forced to issue a circular on "explaining the rights of detainees." But what has prevailed in the prisons of the Islamic Republic for 43 years is not due to the lack of directives, but the will of the regime to eliminate the opposition in any way possible.
Jason Bordoff and Meghan L. O’Sullivan
Moving to a net-zero global economy will require an unprecedented level of global cooperation but will also lead to conflict along the way and ultimately produce winners and losers. Some great powers, such as China and the United States, are well positioned to benefit from the transition. Others, such as Russia, seem more likely to wind up worse off. These diverging paths will, of course, alter relations among the great powers.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) declares its support of the Sudanese Communist Party call and its solidarity with the struggles of the Sudanese people and the resistance forces against repression. We call on all the international communities and progressive forces and individuals to join in solidarity with the Sudanese people's struggle for democracy and against martial law, and to demand the immediate release of the detained leaders of the resistance committees and all political prisoners.
The victory of the left in Latin America, by ensconcing in the position of implementing justice-seeking programs, is joyful and a symbol of possibility of success for the left in the world. Given that the situation in Iran, and in part even in our region, is quite different from that in Chile and Latin America, these victories are also encouraging for the Iranian left, with the message that the strongholds of the recent four decades of neoliberalism and right-wing populism can and should be conquered by taking a united stand on a global scale. Nevertheless, the democratic unity and justice-seeking is the common denominator and main issue.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this Issue you read:
Word of the Month
Does Israel take on America's military role in the Middle East?
A month of protests by cultural Society
Caught between despair and optimism
A victory
Excerpts from the political agenda approved by the Second Congress
The protests were widely welcomed, on the one hand, by special social groups, including workers, retirees, and other wage-earners and on the other hand, it led to the approval of the ersatz classification plan by the parliament, one day after the street protests of teachers and cultural figures on December 13
Without changing the current foreign policy of the Islamic Republic and paving the way for the normalization of relations with other countries, including the United States and friendly relations with neighbors, there is no end to the current isolation of the country and the danger of sanctions and threats will always remain. Economic pressure on the Iranian people will continue. Even the announcement of the cessation of negotiations for consultations immediately reflects on the critical situation of the Iranian economy and the increase in the price of foreign currencies. The continuation of these instabilities has a direct effect on increasing the price of the people’s general necessities.
The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian), as a left party with the aspiration of democratic socialism, is currently fighting for the transition from the Islamic Republic to the establishment of a secular and democratic republic. We call on all democratic forces, left and freedom-seekers, all activists of social and civil movements, individuals, national organizations, and parties to cooperate and unite to create a system based on the free will of the people of Iran.
Allocation of insufficient funds for the proper implementation of the desired ranking of teachers in the parliament and disregard for other demands of teachers, such as equalization of retirees, based on the Civil Service Management Law, were the main demands of the teachers' nationwide protest on December 2nd. Freedom of imprisoned teachers and high quality and free education for all students were also among the demands raised at the rallies.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Word of the Month: Another indication, climate change is here
From the Second Congress
Another indication, climate change is here
The need to move to another future!
Another form of protest
The Message of Solidarity
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Your country, Iraq, and our, Iran, are in a difficult situation in many ways. While each party is addressing the problems and crisis in their respected countries, but the joint and multifaceted struggle of your party and us, as the forces of the left, in responding to the theoretical issues of the left on one hand, and the joint confrontation with regional issues, exchange of ideas, finding common grounds and cooperation in this regard, on the other hand, is of great significance and they can play an important role in our confrontation with future political trends.
The Left Party of Iran
The problem of water shortage will not be resolved by orders from the top and unprofessional work. The need to resolve this problem is freedom of environmental experts, use of capable specialists and managers, formation of specialized committees for comprehensive national and local planning and the freedom of environmental institutions, abandonment of the security view over the location of strategic and water-based industries and its establishment in the central provinces instead of the coastal provinces and the promotion of sustainable development with a systemic view of development. The performance of the Islamic Republic after forty some years has proven that the regime is alien to such plans.
The Left Party of Iran
The all-encompassing slogans of November 2019 targeted the center of the power of the Islamic Republic, the Velayat-e-Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist) apparatus, and the Supreme Leader Khamenei himself, and shook the pillars of the Islamic Republic's power.
Roza Roozbehan
With so many anti-women laws, it’s not surprising that there are lots of feminist movements in Iran. In fact, the women struggle for achieving their basic rights is the only movement in Iran which started a day after the anti-monarchy revolution of 1979 and it has continued to today, strong and with roots in every single household in Iran.
Words of the Month:

Sudan' once again a coup?

Rosa Luxemburg's foundation: bi- annual conference

Postponement of the Vienna Talks will propel the Iranian People to more Catastrophe!

The Second Congress of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

Statement on Tensions on the border with the Republic of Azerbaijan
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic as the main obstacle to establishing normal relations with the world and the cause of intensifying the country's all-out crises, including the deterioration of the economic situation and believes that the way out of these sufferings is for the government to retreat from these policies and return to the Vienna negotiating table.
Iraqi Communist Party
A very important demand by the protest movement, and also by Iraqi Communists, was that the perpetrators of the killings of more than 700 peaceful young protesters during the October Uprising must be brought to justice. But the transitional government of Mustafa al-Kadhemi, installed in June 2020 after the overthrow of his predecessor Adel Abdul-Mahdi by the protest movement, has failed to deliver on its promises.
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) believes that our country's policy towards the South Caucasus should be a policy of friendship with its neighbors. Our country’s policy must be refraining from any excess and at the same time standing up for national interests and overseeing constructive relations with each of these countries, including Azerbaijan and Armenia, until the level of formation of a regional union is reached. This approach should also be part of our overall foreign policy towards the world and the region. Our country needs to establish relations with all the countries of the world, and it can also benefit from this union by appearing as a creative element of a regional union in the Middle East, relying on its enormous potential.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
There is hope in Afghanistan
Insolvent cabinet
The long arm of Suppression
Protest, one day before the start
The induction of the Raisi’s cabinet headed by one of the main executors and decision-makers of the massacre of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, who has been part of the criminal judiciary system that has issued death sentences for the past forty-three years, is an insult to the rueful people of our country and a criminal act in itself. At the same time, the Raisi’s cabinet, with all the expenses incurred by Khamenei and his entourage, is a complete reflection of the frustration of the entire regime and, above all, of Khamenei's own failure. This cabinet, like its architect, Ali Khamenei, believes that the country can be run with frothy slogans.
To date, tens of Kurdish political activists have been assassinated in the Iraqi Kurdistan or in Turkey by the Islamic regime agents. The latest case was the murder of Musa Babakhani, a member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Iran (KDP-I), in the Iraqi Kurdish city of Erbil.
Left Party of Iran
This incident, however, is not only against democracy and sustainable development in Afghanistan, but also against the peace, security, progress, and development of all the people of this region of the world. The establishment of the Taliban in state power will make Afghanistan more and more a base for the growth of terrorism and fundamentalism. Terrorism, which will lead to all kinds of tensions and hostilities, which are source of antagonism and wars, and these are also grounds for trading the weapon of death for the benefit of its producers.
. Based on experience, not many deny the existence of the Taliban as a reality of the Afghan society. The debate is essentially about the dominance and the rule of those who, in terms of attitudes and beliefs, are the same Taliban as before. Any optimism about the reformability of the Taliban as a whole would be a dangerous assessment and a deadly political mistake.
Now the voice of the protests of the plaintiff forces, which was loud from the very first days, has soared that the news of this massacre has reached the ears of the Iranian people in the most remote parts of the country. Undeniably, this voice of justice will resonate over time, and the siege of murderers and criminals will become narrower day by day, and it will not be long before we see the trial of the perpetrators of the massacre of 1988. Abroad, terrorist agents of the Islamic Republic have been brought to justice for years.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Corona's massacre in Iran
 The beginning of the trial of a long-standing crime
Iraqi Communist Party
While condemning this criminal act, we point out that it only occurred as a result of the government’s continued failure to protect citizens in general and our party’s office in particular. It is well-known that the Communist Party believes in the state and the rule of law and does not have a militia to protect itself and terrorize the people
The Left Party of Iran
In the current situation where citizens of this country intend to immigrate to Iran for any reason, it is a human and patriotic duty that we, Iranians, help our Afghan brothers and sisters. At such times, our compatriots are expected to recognize the suffering of Afghan refugees and to open their arms to the struggling and toiling people of our neighboring country.
We deeply regret the situation in our neighboring country, Afghanistan. We blame the effective powers in the region and the world in shaping this tragedy for the people of Afghanistan and express our concern over the return of Talibanism to our neighboring country and the deepening of the crisis in Afghanistan, which is a great disaster for its people and peace and stability in the region.
The Swedish court is, in a sense, the beginning of the trial of the leaders of the Islamic Republic who ordered the killings and assassinations. And it is a warning to all murderers to know that the world has become too small to escape justice.
Appreciating the dedication and sense of responsibility of the country's healthcare staff, we emphasize the need to expedite the preparation of public vaccinations by providing vaccines from all sources approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). In the current situation, the public demand is to vaccinate, and the Islamic Republic has so far irresponsibly ignored this demand that is tied to the lives and deaths of the Iranian people.
At a time when the world economy is rapidly becoming "digital" in various fields, any country that deprives itself of this potentiality will practically lag behind in development and will prevent its people from achieving prosperity. Statistics show that about 70% of people in our country use the "Internet" and are active in cyberspace.
As the status quo continues, the risks to territorial integrity, national interests, and social stability increase. To get out of the current situation, the growth of protest movements and uprisings, solidarity, and connection between them are essential. The strengthening of protest movements and uprisings and the unification of elites and political groups that believe in the transition from the Islamic Republic of Iran to a secular democratic republic can pave the way for political developments for transitioning from the system.