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International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The clash of strategic aims between the US and Israel seems inevitably to be leading to an imminent clash of current policies. For the moment, Israel seems to be trying to ameliorate the tension. Their latest ploy is to declare that major Israeli military operations will be finished within two weeks.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran rejects and condemns the death sentence for labor activist, Sharife Mohammadi, and calls on everyone to fight against this sentence and its revocation. We call for her immediate and unconditional release from prison. We also invite all labor, civil, human rights organizations, parties, lawyers and people to fight for revoking this repressive sentence and freeing Sharifeh Mohammadi.
Majid Siadat
The clash of strategic aims between the US and Israel seems inevitably to be leading to an imminent clash of current policies. For the moment, Israel seems to be trying to ameliorate the tension. Their latest ploy is to declare that major Israeli military operations will be finished within two weeks.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
he Left Party of Iran believes that the widespread boycott of the June 28 election, as a continuation of the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom", was another glorious show of power against the Islamic Republic regime in its most civilized form, which brought irreversible achievements.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
While declaring solidarity with the striking workers and firmly supporting their demands, the Left Party of Iran calls upon the workers to protect and strengthen unity and solidarity and to try to expand the scope of the strike as much as possible, which is one of the requirements for the success of any strike. We condemn the arrest of a number of striking workers.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran condemns the release of Hamid Nouri. Our party considers this action as an insult to the Swedish judicial system, an insult to the families of the 1988 massacre in Iran's prisons, and an encouragement to the hostage-taking policy of the Islamic Republic.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran calls on everyone to actively boycott the election show of the Islamic Republic on the 28th of June. With the slogan "NO" to the Islamic Republic and "YES" to the revolutionary movement "Woman, Life, Freedom", let us use confronting the tricks of the regime as an opportunity for the common and widespread emergence of the left republican and democratic forces and synchronizing with all the freedom-loving and democracy-loving forces of the country, in the direction of liberation from the Islamic Republic and foundation of a free society with a government based on the free votes of the people
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The Israeli army's deadly attack on the Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah has once again sparked deep global revulsion against Israel's war in Gaza. Israel's war crime in this attack was so obvious that the main person responsible for this massacre, Benjamin Netanyahu, called it "a tragic event" and claimed that the operation to kill the refugees "went tragically wrong."
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
we have witnessed that these coalitions have been the source of significant transformations and services in Spain. We admire your persistent efforts to advance anti-discrimination policies in the relationships among the nations residing in Spain and dialogue for finding solutions, promoting responsible policies to protect the environment, defending the rights of refugees, although with less success, and finally, your sensitivity towards the government and people of Palestine. We commend all these efforts and struggles.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran considers the massacre of the Palestinian people as an example of a crime against humanity. The powerful governments of the West, especially the United States, are responsible for supporting the actions of the Israeli government in these killings. Their appeasement with the Israeli government and their ineffective criticism is a reaction to appease the public opinion, but in practice, it is an incentive for the continuation of this situation by the Israeli government.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The death of Raisi is neither regrettable nor politically significant. The only regret is that he did not live to be tried by the people's court and end his days behind bars. Politically, the death of this obedient servant of the Supreme Leader, who played no role other than following orders and acting on his whims, holds no special significance; especially considering that he was the most ineffective among his peers in the presidency.
مجید سیادت
Second, the Middle East yearns for a long period of peace and stability. But in order for this to be possible, Israeli arrogance and sense of both entitlement and superiority need to be shattered and abandoned as well. All people in the Middle East – and all over the world -- are equal and must be treated so.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
We welcome the historic decision of the United Nations General Assembly and demand the recognition of Palestine by the Security Council of this organization and all democratic governments that defend peace and security in the world. A
Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
Our country is prone to other explosions. Any anti-people action of the regime can be a spark in the people's anger of dissatisfaction. People's protests continue in various forms. Repression is the only means that the regime can use. But a society that has more than eighty million people and is constantly in turmoil cannot be managed with only the repression policy.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
By striving to solve the Palestinian issue and weaken extremist and radical tendencies in Israel, in the region, and among Palestinians, there is hope that we are taking steps toward sustainable peace in the region. The highest level of security is achieved under the shadow of economic capability, societal development, and people's support, and this is possible in the light of democratic governance and a foreign policy with zero tension and creating friendly relations with neighbors. Read More: https://www.bepish.org/fa/node/10664
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
uggles of workers for increased wages, retirement benefits, the right to strike and rights of unions, the freedom of imprisoned workers and teachers, as well as other political and civil prisoners, the abolition of temporary work contracts, the elimination of gender discrimination, and all the demands outlined in the 12-article Charter and the 6-article Charter introduced this year by civil and labor organizations. We call for greater unity and solidarity among workers and wage earners and actively stand alongside them in the fight for freedom, equality, social justice and a humane system in Iran.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The left party of Iran, while expressing its hatred for the barbaric rulings of the Islamic Republic's unfair courts, demands that all political currents and human rights organizations join forces and make their protest heard against this tyranny to the ears of the people of Iran and the world.
Working Group of the Left Party of Iran
congratulating the International Workers' Day, we call on your leaders and members and labor parties and unions, wherever you are, protest against the suppression and trampling of trade union and human rights in Iran and condemn it in any way you can and ask the Islamic regime authorities to release the imprisoned union activists and respect the trade union rights of workers and wage earners.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran considers the attack on women's rights and freedoms and the deployment of military and police forces in cities as a sign of the regime's inability to face the revolutionary movement of the people and its weakness front of the achievements of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement. Repression under the current war atmosphere cannot force the people of Iran and the brave women of our country to submit to living under the coercions of the Islamic Republic, including the mandatory hijab.
Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
broad struggle to oppose any military action and intensifying the atmosphere of tension and hostility leading to war. We call on all the democratic forces committed to the restoration of peace and those who oppose any kind of warmongering to cooperate with one another. We consider any attempt to push the Islamic Republic to war, either from the position of encouragement or from the position of instigation, to be contrary to the interests and security of our country.
Majid Siadat
n the context of the Middle East, this war has proven the underlying need for NO OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE and solidarity between the peoples of the Middle East.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
We are together in the face of political, social or environmental crises. The commitment of our two parties to ecopolitics, social equality and individual rights is unwavering. As progressive forces, we both know that our collective strength lies in cooperation, dialogue and movement towards common goals.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Throughout the past year, they have fought for their rights on every street and in every city of Iran, one way or another. Despite facing challenges such as forced hijab and inequality, they have shown resilience. Many have been imprisoned, fired, and assaulted by men within the Islamic Regime's government, yet these women have never ceased their fight. Their determination remains unwavering, and they will continue to push forward in the coming year. Significant progress has been made during and after the 'Women, Life, Freedom' movement, and their struggle will only gain momentum in the new year. Congratulations to them on International Women's Day
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
In memory of all the brave fighters who died in the fight against the ruling tyranny to achieve freedom, equality and justice, the Left Party of Iran offers its New Year best wishes to the freedom-fighter people of Iran, to the political prisoners, to the families of those who died in the path of freedom and social justice, to the women and men who fight against discrimination and injustice, to the workers, wage-earners, teachers ...and retirees who continue to protest and strike to achieve their rightfud democratic forces who
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The left Party of Iran considers the continuation of Israel's war in Gaza as a disaster and an example of mass and deliberate killing of the people of this region. While condemning Israel's crimes in Gaza once again, we declare our disgust for the continuation of this terrible war and we respect the efforts of the UN officials and other human rights organizations to stop the genocide in Gaza and establish a ceasefire, and with all the forces stand against the organized crime against the people of Gaza.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran wants the joint efforts of all progressive, democratic and left forces in the region to achieve peace in the region. Your party plays an important role in bringing these forces together, we sincerely shake your hand to make it happen. We emphasize the joint cooperation of the two parties against the conspiracy of foreign forces. "When we are united, we are more prepared to fulfill our national goals.“
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The anger of the regime against the people of this region, who did not put down the torch of the struggle against the ruling tyranny and were one of the hot centers of struggle during the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom", cannot be described. If help to these compatriots is not organized through civil institutions, the people of this region will face a lot of damage and will be left alone.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran, welcoming the turning away of a large part of the people from the election show of the Islamic Republic regime, believes that even if others are unaware of the dimensions of the unprecedented boycott of this election, the main security officials, the regime's military and its dictatorial leader know very well that the regime has no legitimacy among the people. Undoubtedly, this time the voice of "NO" to "election" will resonate in the ears of the repressive agents of the regime and will intimidate them.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The election in Iran have concluded. Election officials have echoed their 'thrilling epic' slogan, but many view it as a tedious affair. Some former politicians adhered to their promises and refrained from participating. Some joined in with the aim of 'building up' Iran, while others abstained, contemplating Iran's future.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran asks the compatriots to make the "NO" to the regime louder by actively boycotting the elections and not going to the polls. The active boycott of these elections with the slogan "No" to the Islamic Republic creates another opportunity for the joint and widespread emergence of the leftist and democratic forces to take steps towards the removal of the corrupt, criminal and oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran, by learning from the outcomes of the Bahman 57 revolution, the biggest and most far-reaching event in Iran's contemporary history, believes that it is necessary to learn from the bitter past after the Bahman 57 revolution and to think about building a better future for the country and the people of Iran. Revolutions happen when all the ways to transform society are blocked.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
On the 53rd anniversary of "Siahkal", our party calls on all the forces belong to this historic movement as well as other left forces to dialogue, coordination and practical cooperation in the direction of a general alliance and the creation of a left bloc in defense of the interests of workers and laborers and the realization of freedom, democracy and social justice. Let today's left create another transformation in the political sphere of the left and its empowerment, just like the left that started in "Siahkal" and thereafter.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The ICJ’s preliminary rulings on January 26th essentially supported South Africa’s allegation that Israeli actions in Gaza amount to ‘genocidal’ acts. They issued six preliminary measures in which was expressed serious legal concern with Israeli actions.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran once again announces its support for the strike and demands for the rights of steel workers and emphasizes solidarity with steel workers. We consider strike and organization as one of the obvious rights of the workers, and accordingly, we condemn any kind of aggression to suppress this strike. We invite other workers and justice-seekers, especially the people of Ahvaz, to neutralize the efforts made to suppress the strike by supporting the steel workers' strike.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran calls on human rights defenders, political and civil activists, democratic institutions and associations, political parties and organizations to take action to stop the execution in any way and to any extent they can. We can jointly or separately coordinate the public protest movement in the form of strikes, demonstrations and other forms of protest in front of prisons, in streets and outside of Iran.