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Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Your party has always been a friend, companion and supporter of our struggles during the 50 years of the Fadaei movement which the majority of its activities has been continued in the Left Party of Iran during the last 3 since this party has formed. Your affiliation with the other Communist parties and Workers' Parties all around the world and the efforts you make for world peace and disarmament, has not slowed you from collaborating with other left-wing and progressive parties that share your fundamental goals and values, and this should be considered as one of the praiseworthy features of the Iraqi Communist party.
Last year, as in previous years, was the arena of great trials for the struggle of our people against the Islamic Republic. The struggle for a better and more humane life and the confrontation against the policies of the Islamic Republic in various areas of social life continued while the widespread corruption in the government system increased.
Women Committee of the Left Party of Iran
The Women's Group of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) congratulates all freedom seeking and equal right believers, both men and women, on the occasion of International Women's Day. We call for the support and cooperation of all progressive and justice-seeking forces to improve the situation of Iranian women. We highly value the efforts of women's rights activists in Iran and work with them to achieve women's rights.
Iraqi Women's League
Local, national and international indicators and reports confirm that Iraqi women live under harsh conditions and are subjected to more injustice, neglect, violence, marginalization and exclusion, in addition to unequal opportunities. This is so despite their contribution in many fields and the struggle to assert their right to real political participation and on decision-making levels. They are also continuing to combat all forms of violence directed against them and fighting to abolish all unjust decisions and legislations that violate their dignity and human rights.
Inequality and discrimination in the distribution of life saving opportunities have increased the risk for vulnerable groups in society. The unfair distribution of corona vaccine throughout the world poses widespread life and financial hazards now.

In the global Covid-19 epidemic, the corona vaccine should be recognized as a common wealth good, such as air, and efforts must be made to make it available to all people of the world
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Words Of the Month
Corona vaccine for everyone
Call for unity on the fiftieth anniversary of the Fadaie movement
The right to practice mother tongue language is a human right
In solidarity with Baluchistan
Negotiation without preconditions beyond Iran's Nuclear Deal
The necessity of Unconditional Negotiations beyond the Nuclear Deal
Left Party of Iran (Peoples Fadaian) Condemns the Killing of Balochi Citizens in Iran
Retirees will be able to push back the government and parliament and achieve their demands in the light of organized struggle and in connection, solidarity and joint struggle with workers, teachers, nurses and other wage earners. Now, in the light of these struggles and their continuation, there are signs that the government and parliament are retreating over equalization and the increase in the pensions.
Left Party of Iran
Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) on Iranian Foreign Policy

Necessity of Unconditional Negotiations beyond the Nuclear Deal
Left Party of Iran
The IRGC shot protesters who rallied against a sudden ban on cross-border fuel trade between Iran and Pakistan. In the South-East Iranian provice of Sistan-Balochistan, fuel export is one of the few sources of income for thousands of Iranians.
The Political Bureau of the Iraqi Communist Party
 The Turkish government should build bridges of understanding and dialogue with its opponents, including the political forces that seek to guarantee the rights of the people of Kurdistan in Turkey
Iraqi Communist Party - International Relations Committee
Celebrating this special event today provides inspiration and further impetus for your members and all progressives in Iran to enhance their unity and continue the fight for democratic change and building a better future.
Political Bureau -Iraqi Communist Party
Such miserable acts will only make the Iraqi communists in Najaf and in the rest of the country’s provinces more determined to continue the struggle, along with the masses of Iraqi people, to save the homeland and to move relentlessly forward towards building a state based on citizenship, true democracy and social justice.
The declaration points out that for decades agents of the Iranian regime have committed murderous acts against members of the Iranian opposition in Europe, and that several prominent figures of the Iranian opposition have become victims of the state-sponsored terrorism organised by the Islamic Republic of Iran
The declaration of the LPI-PF reminds that the Fadaian movement was founded to break the deadly silence imposed on the Iranian society after the 1953 coup by Anglo-American agents and their Iranian allies.
The statement condemns the nationalist politics of rich countries and the profit-oriented approach of pharmaceutical companies who refuse to provide all countries with knowledge and technology to produce vaccines for the Corona virus.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
- Words of the month;
- Until the last days;
- Victory is not far away;
- Ideological approach to Covid-19;
- No to Mandatory Election, Yes to Free Election!
Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
We emphasize on "No" to mandatory elections, execution of free elections and the acceptance of free voting by the people. Holding of free elections is subject to the provision of conditions, including release of political prisoners, freedom of activity of opposition parties, trade unions, political associations, freedom of the press, assembly, and free exchange of information.
The Political Bureau Iraqi Communist Party
This, of course, cannot be achieved without paying attention to the citizens, fulfilling their urgent needs, providing them with job opportunities, improving public and health services, and creating an atmosphere of trust between state institutions, especially the security and military, and citizens.
In the Islamic Republic, however, we encounter a "leader" for whom the principle in all matters, including the fight against this disease which has claimed tens of thousands of victims to date, is the perversity of the "enemy-oriented" policy. Today, there is someone at the head of this evil system who has made the fate of a nation a toy of the confused mentality and conspiracy-oriented, ambitious and adventurous policies of the regime.
The workers' struggle against privatization of Haft Tappeh and other ceded units is in fact part of the people's struggle against corruption and looting of public properties by the regime agents and their affiliates and in defense of public rights. This fact shows that other groups who oppose the waste of the country's capital, support the Haft Tappeh workers to achieve their demands and put pressure on the regime to punish the looters of national capital.
Over the past year, many people around the world have become increasingly vulnerable to poverty, injustice and discrimination. Although Corona did not know the rich and the poor, but its pressure was mostly on the laborers. In the face of this unknown calamity, the greatest financial and human losses were inflicted on the lower and poorer classes.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
No to the assassination, No to execution
Relationship with the United States: Yes, no, how?
Letter to Mr. Josep Borrell
Restricting the already restricted independence of lawyers.
Execution, Prosecution, Hostage-Taking, Kidnapping of Dissidents and Detention of Civil Activists.
In our view, the way to neutralize foreign provocations, whether by the Netanyahu administration or Trump or any other administration, is not to resort to provocative reciprocal actions, but to declare adherence to the provisions of the JCPOA and express readiness to negotiate with the United States unconditionally. We condemn the tense actions of the US and Israeli governments and consider any action by the Islamic Republic that further inflames the current situation against the national interests of the Iranian people.
We call on progressive humanity and international human rights institutions to confront these crimes. With the aim of halting the death sentences and freeing political and civil prisoners, we urge political, civil and human rights activists to spare no effort to force the Islamic Republic to retreat. The experience of the last four decades has shown that the Islamic Republic can be forced to retreat only through a united and nationwide struggle. Let us not to let the criminal regime to shed the blood of the children of the Iranian people.
Cornelia Ernst
That is why we believe that a condemnation of murder of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is missing from the resolution to underline Europe’s universal commitment to human rights and to make a credible show of our European values. Unfortunately, the resolution is also lacking a clear condemnation of the U.S. policy of maximum pressure on Iran, which leave countless Iranians suffering who were already in a precarious social and economic situation following the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
We welcome the resumption of negotiations and believe that any action to bring the Islamic Republic to the negotiating table toward improving Iran's relations with other countries will help to bring peace and detente to the region. In this regard, we consider the lifting of many of the Trump administration's sanctions against Iran and the appropriate return of Iran to its obligations in the JCPOA framework as appropriate measures to express goodwill and build mutual trust.
Ruhollah Zam was brought up in the Islamic Republic system. His execution is primarily a desperate message to the people protesting in January 2017 and October 2019 to intimidate them. On the other hand, it was a message to the forces inside the regime as well. With this execution, the Islamic Republic warns its internal elements about the punishment for leaving the regime and exposing them, wherever they are, they are not immune from punishment.
With the recent developments in the White House and the announcement of the policy of conditional return of the United States to the JCPOA by Joe Biden, a new space for interaction with the world, de-escalation of relations between the Islamic Republic and the US government, start of negotiations within the P5+1 and lifting of the paralyzing economic sanctions has been created.
The purpose of Issuing such a circular and the result of such interference in the affairs of bar associations is continuous control of lawyers and filing of cases against them to the point of revoking their licenses. This trick of the Judiciary is aimed at hunting lawyers with judicature independent personality in order to weaken the ability of the Bar Association to defend its imperfect independence.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In This Issue You Read:
Solution Seeking and appreciation
Calm before the storm?
Welcoming the end of the war, end the occupation, and reaching an agreement!
A noble opportunity
Stop violence against women
NO to execution
Iran: Revoke death penalty against Swedish citizen immediately
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) condemns this terrorist act, which is a threat to peace and calmness in the region. We consider the consequence to be the escalation of tensions and war in the region. The losers of these terrorist acts will be the people of Iran and Israel, and especially the workers and laborers of our country.
Cornelia Ernst
Again and again, human rights violations and politically motivated unlawful death sentences based on trumped-up allegations occur in Iran. This is not the first time that the Iranian delegation in the European Parliament has had to deal with similar cases in order to stand up for the democratic rights and freedoms of the Iranian people.
Women Committee of the Left Party of Iran
Although relentless efforts are being made around the world by progressive forces to end this inhumane phenomenon, various forms of violence against women are still practiced in most countries. Statistics on the number of women who are physically, sexually or psychologically abused are still very scary and shocking.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Doctors, nurses, assistant nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, and workers and employees of various health care departments of our country are all our children, brothers, sisters, spouses, fathers and mothers. They endure all the hardships and deprivations in order to save our compatriots from death as much as they can. They rightly expect us to abide by medical and health rules and regulations in these circumstances.
The transition of power in the White House in the current situation is another emphasis on the fact that Iran's domestic political issues and related developments should be decided and managed based on internal variables and the interactions and integration of internal forces within the framework of components such as "consideration of national interests", "political pluralism", "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and "country's independence Requirements”. Foreign governments, including the US government, can only put pressure on the Islamic Republic to comply with its global obligations under human rights conventions and treaties.