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International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
The month of difficulties, the month of strikes, demonstrations and protests in Iran
The largest workers' strike
Water scarcity
A word with the military and law enforcement forces
Afghanistan: No to Taliban, YES to national and regional agreements
According to reports, during the arrest, interrogation and investigation of Assadollah Asadi's case, which led to the conviction of four defendants in this case, Other names of security collaborators and spies of the Islamic Republic who are seeking information from Iranian opposition organizations and parties have been propounded.
Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party
There is no need here to emphasize that our boycott of the elections in light of the current suffocating crises is not directed against the electoral process as a democratic practice. It is, for us, one of the means of peaceful action for change, which calls for combining all forms of popular, political, intellectual and economic struggle. It is also linked, as a form of struggle, to our clear goal of change aimed at establishing a democratic civil state based on social justice.
Do not listen to the orders of the military and law enforcement leaders of this tyrannical regime, who are complicit in the theft, looting and corruption of the regime. The Islamic Republic will be history sooner or later. Do not stand against the people. If you will, there is a way for you to disobey the commands.
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the water shortage and frequent power outages crisis in the country, especially in Khuzestan, to be the result of the regime's destructive management and recklessness and supports the protests of the people of Khuzestan against water shortage, poverty, and the misery of the province. Based on a lot of data, the most preparation that the regime has taken in response to the multifaceted critical situation in Khuzestan in recent years is to strengthen the repressive security force in this province, especially in its Arab regions.
Relying on the conciliation of some governments, the Islamic Republic has so far been able to assassinate or kidnap hundreds of its opponents abroad. During these years, the government kidnapped citizens of other countries and took them hostage in order to create an atmosphere of terror among its opponents and to keep the morale of its mercenaries high.
It is a fact that the current political developments in Afghanistan show a worrying and bleak outlook and a variety of dangers from escalation of civil war and even further political instability to bloody ethnic conflicts, rise of religious and tribal reactionary elements, and recapture of civil and political gains from the Afghan society are imminent
This big move, although it has a demand and trade union aspect, but due to the heavy weight of this industry in the country's economy and the level of awareness in this part of the Iranian workers, whatever the outcome, it will seal its mark on the political developments in the fight against the Islamic Republic and attaining freedom and justice.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
One month with the "presidential election" in Iran
Early signs of the foreseen problems for the new President
Our Sympathy
Press conference of Cornelia Ernst, Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Parliament for Iran
Press Release
The "Election" Show Ended with the Announcement of the "Victory" of the Regime’s Candidate.
The strong presence of Republican forces in boycotting the 13th presidential election was a turning point in the growth of secular-democrat republicanism in the Iranian political sphere. We, the three secular-democrat organizations and parties, while appreciating the concerted action of the majority of Iranians and republican activists who exercised their political responsibility in boycotting this election, see this as an opportunity to increase republican convergence and emphasize the need for increased cooperation.
Another significance of this strike is that it is coincided with the appointment of someone who intends to make a series of new changes against workers' rights at the request of the Chamber of Commerce. Changes that will worsen both the working and living conditions of workers.
Audio file of the late Ayatollah Montazeri's speech during a meeting with the "Death Committee" responsible for the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, of which the new President of Iran, Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, was a member.
Solving the country's problems, ending poverty, unemployment, discrimination, structural corruption, and establishing effective governance are not possible except through such a struggle. The will that in the first step challenged and successfully opposed the regime's plans to ensnare the country is commendable. This resistance must continue by empowering society, strengthening demand movements, and paving the way for the transition from a system that has made such a criminal its preferred figure and empowered him.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Ebrahim Raisi is one of the main perpetrators of the executions of the last four decades, especially the massacre of the Black Summer of 1988. He is accused of participating in the murder of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, who were mostly tried and sentenced to prison and awaiting the end of their imprisonment and release. Ebrahim Raisi, who is accused of murder, has been promoted several times. He was appointed head of the judiciary two years ago and will now be president for the next four or possibly eight years with the support of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic.
Central Council of the Left Party of Iran
The importance of boycotting this "election" is not only due to the widespread popular outcry on June 18, but also to the widespread political upheaval that has developed between the Islamic Republic and its opponents and critics.
The people's turning away from the regime and the boycott of the mandated election were clear months ago, but the regime's decision to unprecedentedly suppress the candidates has added to the scale of the boycott. The experience of the last two decades has taught people not to hope for a miracle at the ballot box of the Islamic Republic.
Iraqi Communist Party
We also stress the importance of firm measures to keep arms under the control of the state and its legitimate institutions that are authorized to do so, and not to hesitate in prosecuting those who do not comply with this. Furthermore, determined action is required to uncover the killers of protesters and activists and those behind them, and to prosecute the corrupt.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month Peace or Surrender
International Workers' day
Do not Vote!
Two States Governments, Difficult but Plausible solution!
Message to the Communist Party of Canada
The Islamic Republic is facing intertwined crises such as crises of legitimacy, authority and incompetency, widespread dissatisfaction of the people, a movement of demands and street uprisings on the one hand, and international pressures, especially crippling economic sanctions, on the other. This situation has put the country in a deadlock.
In the widespread opposition to this normative "election", every non-participation in the "election" is important and has its role; this is by no means enough to just say "no" to this regime show. It is necessary to take advantage of any initiative to expand the option of boycott. The struggle to boycott the "elections" does not end with encouraging family and friends not to vote; it is necessary to invite colleagues, neighbors and every citizen to persuade them not to show up at the polling stations.
We, the political organizations and trade unions that sign this statement, condemn the repression of the Palestinian civilian population and the destruction of their urban infrastructure by the Israeli government, and call for an immediate end to these attacks. We also call for an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories, the siege of Gaza and the application of discriminatory policies against the Palestinian people once and for all by implementing purposeful policies.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Palestinian protests were initially peaceful. The vigilance and violence of the Israeli police on the eve of Eid al-Fitr in Al-Aqsa Mosque caused the protests to spread to other areas and spread from the West Bank to Gaza and the Arab settler areas of Israel. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza says 35 people, including 12 children and three women, have been killed and 233 wounded in recent Israeli bombings. Hamas rockets have also killed two Israelis and wounded several others.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Your party's ongoing struggle to achieve the goals of free education for all, the expansion of universal health care, the protection and expansion of the public pension system with sufficient benefits, an end to all forms of gender discrimination and violence against women, and opposition to all forms of racism and discrimination, and many other noble goals is admirable.
Women Committee of the Left Party of Iran
In today's interconnected world, where every event, small or large, is exposed to the world's attention in the shortest possible time, the countries that voted for this membership cannot be unaware of the demands and efforts of Iranian women to earn their most basic rights. They are ignoring the regime's violent and repressive confrontation with these women, in various areas of social life.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Until now, according to the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic, the rule was that the Islamic Parliament should pass a law and the Guardian Council should approve or reject it and return it to the Assembly. Now, however, this council has taken on the role of both legislator and the law enforcer by going around the parliament! This is nothing but concentration of absolute power by the "supreme leader". This means that the fake election is more apparent than ever.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this Issue you read:
Word of the Month
The fourth anniversary of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian), Unity is the urgent need of the Iranian left!
Message to the Communist party of Iraq on the occasion of the 87th anniversary of its founding
Iran-China's 25-year cooperation document
We condemn the explosion in Natanz!
Greetings the International Workers' Day
The need for a global supply of corona vaccine
Call for the active boycott of presidential elections.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Do not take part in mandated elections that strengthen your class enemies and oppressors and strengthen the foundations of tyranny and persuade people to refrain from doing so. So far, no government has formed a parliament that has not taken away some of your rights and changed the laws against you.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
We believe that the fair distribution of vaccines among all countries requires the empowering of COVAX and, most importantly, providing the possibility of producing existing vaccines by revoking their licenses - albeit temporarily - in all countries that have the potential. Easy access to the vaccine and its production in all countries is a prerequisite for dealing with Quid 19 and the only solution that can free the world from this pandemic.
Labor Committee of the Left Party of Iran
Let us make this year's Labor Day a day of protest against the government and its policies and treatment of workers and toilers, against the below-poverty wages, against unemployment and job insecurity, against repression and imprisonment of union leaders, and to abolish corruption and injustice imposed by the government.
The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) strongly condemns the explosion at the Natanz facility. This act directly endangers the lives of the Iranian people. These actions will intensify the atmosphere of tension and insecurity. Such an atmosphere may lead to war and destruction of people's livelihood in the region which in turn leads to the rise and the growth of terrorist groups.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
- Theme of the Month: International Women's Day.
- On the occasion of March 8, International Women's Day
The L P I (P F) is currently preparing for its third congress, namely the founding congress, with the call for the cooperation of all left-wing forces and the hope for progress and success in this field. At the beginning of another year of our existence, we sincerely expect that the party's supporters strengthen their party, both by criticizing its performance and by joining its ranks. Stronger organizational unity and broad unity in the left ranks is our message and aspiration on this third anniversary of the party.
We, the three secular Republican parties and organizations, call on the people of Iran to actively boycott the presidential elections. We call on all liberal and democratic political forces to come to a common and united stand against the government's plan to hold another fake election. We believe that the active boycott of the parliamentary elections will thwart the government's efforts to use the people's vote...
The view and policy hidden behind the" comprehensive document of 25 years of cooperation "is the same flawed and catastrophic view of the world ... The view that has wasted the country's vital resources over the past 40 years to its expansionist policies and melancholy and ideological conflicts has been nothing but economic misery for the people.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
Word of the Month
March, the month of rising movements of Iranian toilers
Hasty action of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government
Happy Nowruz, Welcome Spring!
Formation of the Congress of the 12 United Left Fronts of Spain
Message to the Twelfth Congress of the United Left Front of Spain, March 26 and 27, 2021