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International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In This Issue, You Read
     ?Word of the Month, Reversing the Trend toward Middle East Stability
     The sword of Damocles still hangs over the heads of protesters
     Land dispute
     Semi-militants of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iranian universities
     The Hijab's Grip on the System
     Disruption in the Non-Violent Struggle
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
We ask you to take the necessary measures to arrest and prosecute Hossein Ali Nayeri, the murderer of thousands of political prisoners and accused of crimes against humanity.
Hodjat Naryndji
From the beginning, of the Islamic Republic’s existence, the government has ruled the atmosphere of killing, distrust, and armed conflicts in this part of the country also the regime is following the same perception in social planning for Kurdistan. One of the reasons for the non-expansion of investments in the production, industries and services should be considered under the same perception.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran declares its disgust with the regime's war against women. The women of our country, with the support of freedom-loving men, will undoubtedly defeat this invasion as they have defeated the regime in this field so far. We are confident that the courageous and right-seeking women of Iran will be victorious in this field by standing up for their rights and freedoms in the fight against discrimination and tyranny.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran rejects the regime's use of Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitary mercenaries to suppress the student movement. We, along with the student organizations that have opposed Hashd al-Shaabi's admittance into universities under the title of student, declare our support for the actions taken by the students in this regard.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran considers Abu Musa, the Greater and Lesser Tunbs islands to be parts of Iran's territory and considers it non-negotiable. At the same time, it welcomes bilateral and independent negotiations on the dispute in this matter. We believe that turning the dispute over the three islands into the subject of joint statements with other governments will not help to solve the problem.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran supports the campaign for the immediate and unconditional release of Tomaj Salehi and all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and condemns the regime's attempt to silence Tomaj Salehi's voice. Death sentences against protesters should be stopped and political prisoners should be set free. We invite political and civil forces to join the fight against executions and for the release of political prisoners.
The Left Party of Iran
The unlocking of some of the Islamic Republic's frozen funds (in South Korea and Iraq) is a part of this 'understanding'. The tightening of the noose around the Mujahidin organization (the Iranian opposition group which was on the US terrorist list for a while) is likely to be another part of this unwritten agreement. If so, this agreement encompasses additional European countries, including Albania, France, etc.  We will know more in the coming months
I am glad to be here with you. As a leftist, I say: you are our sister party, we relate to you deeply. Iran has always fascinated me personally, more because I am a history teacher and I admire your great culture and history. When I stood in Isfahan and saw important cultural works, I was impressed because I had this dream for a long time.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
We declare our solidarity and support with the struggles and efforts of the Iraqi Students Association and condemn the action of the Iraqi government to ban the activities of the Iraqi Students Association.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran considers the armed action between political forces unjustifiable and condemns it. Our party expresses sympathy with the family of Saman Ebrahimi and Hiva Sadeghi and wishes for the recovery of the injured in this tragic incident.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran condemns the attack on the camp of the MEK in Albania and the ban on holding a rally of this organization in Paris and considers it a violation of their rights and freedoms within the framework of the rules and principles of Western societies.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Disgusted by the reactionary policies of the Islamic Republic and concordant with the declaration of solidarity of the students of universities across the country, the Left Party of Iran supports the struggles of the students of the University of Arts in defense of the achievements of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement.
Central Committee - Iraqi Communist Party
Dear Comrades,
On this occasion, we express our appreciation for the solidarity of your party with the Iraqi people and democratic forces.
We, once again, wish your 4th Congress every success and look forward to developing the relations between our two parties and the historical ties between the Iraqi and Iranian peoples, for peace, freedom and social progress.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
There is a general movement towards a new order in the Middle East. The Saudis have a far fetched and ambitious vision of grandour. They are not alone, Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the UAE, amongst others, have similar ambitions. Sadly, their ambitions focus primarily on industrial -- and specifically military industrial -- goals, and do not extend to social issues and issues of social justice.
This new order cannot mean a period of stability and happiness for the people of the region. Homegrown ...tensions can be as nasty and as tragic as internationally-induced ones. An unorthodox, ambitous sense of self-

- Continue the political sponsorship of Iranian political prisoners
- Disclose any information in relation to the regime’s support of Russia in its war against Ukraine
- Do not recognize the Taliban regime unless they accept girls’ rights to attend schools, universities, and workplaces
- Support the normalization of Iran's relations with the countries of the region.

4- Our policy in the field of alliances, coalitions and cooperations for the transition:
a. As a defender force of democratic socialism, we strive for the closeness and unification of the democratic left forces, and welcome dialogue and cooperation with other left movements to form a left block to defend the interests of workers and other wage earners in other fields.
b. In order to transition from the Islamic Republic and replace it with a democratic and secular government in the form of a republic, we are working to strengthen and create a weight of republicans and a broad alliance among the republican forces.
همگامی برای جمهوری سکولار دموکرات در ايران
We once again call on the Human Rights Council of the UN to revoke its decision and remove the IRI as the chair of the Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum, or else this body will lose all its legitimacy among the Iranian People.
Coalition for a Secular Democratic Syste
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Iran's left party (People’s Fadaian) believes that execution is not a blowhole, but a well that has opened its mouth against the regime and will swallow the totality of this autocratic and murderous system. We ask the political organizations and civil institutions and defenders of human rights, by creating a joint campaign against execution, to force the Islamic Republic to retreat from its execution policy. This regime will go eventually, but the ...thicker its criminal case becomes, the more severe punishments it will face. Today, there is no excusn
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports the protests and large-scale strikes of workers and employees of contracting companies in the oil and petrochemical industry and a number of mines and production units, which are ongoing with the demand for wage increases and other welfare demands. We support the fight against the repressive measures of the Islamic Republic, especially the fight against the chemical attack on schools and the massive arrests of civil and political activists, and at the same time
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Word of the Month
The rapprochement and its implications
Saudi Arabia and Iran have re-established diplomatic relations after seven years. Is
this a new Entente Cordial between two rival dictatorships?  It is a welcome, and
hopefully first, step toward lowering the level of tensions in the Middle East.
It is too soon to judge the full impact of this rapprochement and its durability. 
However it has - at least - eased the way for finding a solution on issues like the war
in Yemen (tentative moves toward peace?) and Syria’s status in the Arab world

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports the protests and large-scale strikes of workers and employees of contracting companies in the oil and petrochemical industry and a number of mines and production units, which are ongoing with the demand for wage increases and other welfare demands. We support the fight against the repressive measures of the Islamic Republic, especially the fight against the chemical attack on schools and the massive arrests of civil and political activists, and at the same time, we encourage the workers to unite....
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Earlier this month Iran agreed to allow the IAEA to re-establish certain transparency measures at select nuclear sites. Moreover, this comes on top of the Saudi/Iranian deal to re-establish diplomatic relations. Together, these two welcome events can be expected to decrease tensions in the Middle East.
We believe that, after enduring a chaotic period spanning more than a century and a half, the time has come for Iran to establish a republican system. The secular democratic republic model has the potential to resolve the ongoing issue of establishing a "national state" by introducing a novel plan based on the notion of State-Nation in the contemporary history of Iran.
The political forces signing this document emphasize the importance of connectiveness of different generations of political activists, in order to ensure the most productive outcome of the united performance of the democratic, secular republican forces as well as their effective involvement in the current developments in Iran.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
he Munich Security Conference, on 17th -19th Feb, took place just days before the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Contrary to its title, the conference did not further peace or security. Instead, it turned out to be a competition between Western countries over who could pledge the most tanks for Ukraine to continue fighting the Russians.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) announces its strong support for the rightful protest of the cultural employees on March 7 and calls on other wage and salary earners, working and retired, and especially the parents of students, to support this nationwide gathering and demands of teachers in any way they can.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) strongly condemned the chemical attacks by Islamic terrorists on schoolgirls, which have killed one student and poisoned hundreds of them so far and the procrastination of the security and regime institutions. We demand the arrest, trial and punishment of the perpetrators.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) condemns the execution of two fellow Kurd and Arab, Arash (Sarkawt) Ahmadi and Hassan Obayat and issuance of death sentences against the opponents of the regime. These barbaric actions will not leave any other effect to save the regime in the mire it is trapped in, other than making the case of the regime leaders more bloody and making the burden of their crime heavier.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), while appreciating the solidarity, courage and sense of responsibility of the twenty organizations, considers the presentation of the charter as an important step in connecting different social groups around the twelve demands and in line with the transition from the Islamic Republic and hopes that the cooperation continues and expands and becomes an effective pole in the country's political developments.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the Bahman Revolution as a big step towards overcoming tyranny and autocracy in Iran. A development that failed and its offspring became another monster in our society. Today, what is important is not to go back, but to learn from the lessons of the Bahman Revolution, which can open the horizon for a brighter future, pave the way for establishment of a system in the form of a secular and democratic republic.
We, the signatories of this declaration, who are trying to form the weight of the republican forces that believe in replacing the Islamic regime with a secular-democratic republic, consider Mousavi's statement a positive step in strengthening the revolutionary movement and supporting the democratic forces inside and outside the country to transition from the Islamic Republic and save the country from the destructive regime of the Islamic Republic.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Farhad Meysami's presence is necessary to keep the fight against the infernal rulers alive. Let us assure him that his wish will be followed by the people of Iran. The movement of women, life, freedom, has ignited to fulfill such human desires and will not turn back. Our demand is that dear Farhad changes the form of his struggle so that his dear life remains for us and for the people of Iran.
International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
An attack by quadcopters (small drones) was carried out on a military related facuility in Isfahan on Saturday January 28th. Depending on the source, the attack was successful or NOT successful. Who has done it? And who will benefit from it?

Most accusations and suspicions are towards Israel under prime minister Natanyahoo. If true it would be towards deflecting world attention while Israel expands her illegal expansions in the West Bank.
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) condemns the attack on the military and nuclear centers of the country. Such attacks, especially in a situation where the people of Iran have risen up against the Islamic Republic and are fighting to bring it down, are harmful to the people of Iran and the freedom-loving movement "Women, Life and Freedom" and are being used by the Islamic Republic against the revolutionary movement of the Iranian people.