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تصویر بالای صفحه
Message to the 7th Congress of the Party of the European Left
The 7th Congress of the Party the EUROPEAN LEFT RESOLUTION ON IRAN
We Demand the Reaction of the International Community Against the Execution and Repression in Iran! An Open Letter to the International Community
The Execution of Majid Reza Rahnavard, the Second Activist of the Revolutionary Movement! These Crimes Will Not Go Without Comeuppance!
Call to Protest Against the Execution and for Defense of Political Prisoners on International Human Rights Day!
Mohsen Shekari's Execution is a Sign of the Islamic Republic's Impotence and Powerlessness Against the People's Revolutionary Movement!
IRAN: View from the LEFT 35
Is IRAN facing a SYRIA moment?
Regarding the Revolutionary Movement of "Woman, Life, Freedom"
We Welcome the Formation of an Independent Fact-Finding Commission!
Unison with the Call for a General Strike on November 24, 2022, in Support of the People of Kurdistan
Letter to the UNICEF Headquarter, UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund
Let Us Help the People of Mahabad in Confronting Oppressors!
Killing and Execution of the Protest Demonstrators is an Act of Crime Against the Iranian People
Congratulatory Message to Ms. Nasreen Sotoudeh on the Occasion of Receiving the "Robert Badinter" Human Rights Award
The Spread of Demonstrations and Strikes on November 15, a Turning Point in the Revolutionary Movement of the Iranian People!
Request from the Inter-Parliamentary Union
By Bombing the Headquarters of the Iranian Kurdistan Parties, the Islamic Republic will not Survive!
Statement of 9th of November 2022 on latest developments on relations with Iran
By Participating in the World Championships, be the Voice of the Iranian People's Movement!
To Counter the Revolutionary Movement, the Islamic Republic Wants to Revive the "Death Courts" of the Eighties!
Feminine revolution in Iran
Another Crime in Sistan and Baluchestan: Killing of Demonstrators in the town of Khash!
On the Occasion of November 4th (Aban 13th), Students' Day and the Broad and Hopeful Participation of Students in the Revolutionary Movement
Political Prisoners Must be Freed! Mass Arrests of Protesters Will not Save the Regime from Collapse!
RAN: View from the LEFT 34
Congratulations to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Elected President of Brazil
We Condemn the "Armed Attack" in Shahcheragh, Shiraz!
“It is Not the Time of Mourning, But the Time of Anger”
Evin prison on Fire, the Conspiracy of the Islamic Republic against Political Prisoners! Let Us Rush to the Help of the Prisoners of Evin!