رفتن به محتوای اصلی


تصویر بالای صفحه
IRAN: View from the LEFT 40
On the Occasion of the First of May: Unity is the Key to Victory Over the Dictatorial Regime and Moving Towards Freedom and Prosperity!
IRAN: View from the LEFT 39
Coalition of Five Republican Parties and Organizations
IRAN: View from the LEFT 38
Espousing the Call and Demands of the Coordinating Council of Educators' Trade Unions!
Chemical Attacks on Schoolgirls are the Continuation of the Murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini!
On the Condemnation of the Execution of two Kurd and Arab Compatriots!
The Charter of 20 Union and Civic Organizations is Democratic and Pioneering!
A Revolution Against the Tyranny of the Shah, but Unsuccessful in Establishment of Democracy!
Mir Hossein Mousavi's Statement is a Step Forward in the Transition from the Islamic Republic
Farhad Meysami’s Life is in Jeopardy, Let Us Rush to His Help!
IRAN: View from the LEFT 37
Drone Attack on Military Centers in Isfahan is Condemned!
Let Us Rush to Help the Earthquake Victims!
The Proposition of "I Give Power of Attorney" is Undemocratic and Anti-Union!
The IRGC is the Main Organ of Suppression and Protection of the Islamic Republic and a Terrorist Organization!
Request to Stop the Killing and Execution of Protestors in Iran
The Criminal Regime Executed Two Young Protestors!
Along with the Calls for Protests, Strikes and Gatherings on January 8
IRAN: View from the LEFT 36
Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Woman, Life, Freedom)
Let us Demonstrate the Power of the Revolutionary Movement by Participating in Protests and Strikes Against Imprisonments, Executions and the Islamic Republic!
Message to the 7th Congress of the Party of the European Left
The 7th Congress of the Party the EUROPEAN LEFT RESOLUTION ON IRAN
We Demand the Reaction of the International Community Against the Execution and Repression in Iran! An Open Letter to the International Community
The Execution of Majid Reza Rahnavard, the Second Activist of the Revolutionary Movement! These Crimes Will Not Go Without Comeuppance!
Call to Protest Against the Execution and for Defense of Political Prisoners on International Human Rights Day!
Mohsen Shekari's Execution is a Sign of the Islamic Republic's Impotence and Powerlessness Against the People's Revolutionary Movement!