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Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran

تصویر بالای صفحه
The Islamic Republic is Responsible for the Life of Armita Geravand!
The victims are the People! Let the Existing Borders Remain and Become Circles of Friendship!
The Failure of the Regime in Re-Imposing the Mandatory Hijab is Certain!
Anniversary of the Revolutionary Movement of “Women, Life, Freedom” and Start of the New Educational Year!
By Participating in Rallies, Protests and Strikes on the Anniversary of the Revolutionary Movement "Woman, Life, Freedom", Make the Fight Against the Ruling Tyranny more Resonant!
The Calamity of the Mass Killing of Political Prisoners in 1988, a Symbol of the Criminal Rule of the Islamic Republic!
The Islamic Republic is Responsible for the "Death" of Javad Rouhi!
We Demand the Arrest and Trial of Hossein Ali Nayeri!
"Mandatory Hijab" is a Noose around the Islamic Republic’s Neck!
“NO” to the Admittance of Hashd al-Shaabi Mercenaries into the Iranian Universities!
Iran's Sovereignty Over the Three Islands is Indisputable and Irreversible!
Arrest, Imprisonment and Execution Will not Prevent the Explosion of People's Anger Against the Islamic Republic!
We Condemn Resorting to Weapons and Shooting at Fellow Comrades!
We Condemn the Attack on the Camp of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) Organization of Iran in Albania and the Cancellation of its Annual Gathering in Paris!
In support of the Students of the University of Arts
Stopping the Execution and Confronting the Ruling Criminals is not Possible without People’s Mass Confrontation!
On the Occasion of the First of May: Unity is the Key to Victory Over the Dictatorial Regime and Moving Towards Freedom and Prosperity!
On the Occasion of the First of May: Unity is the Key to Victory Over the Dictatorial Regime and Moving Towards Freedom and Prosperity!
Espousing the Call and Demands of the Coordinating Council of Educators' Trade Unions!
Chemical Attacks on Schoolgirls are the Continuation of the Murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini!
On the Condemnation of the Execution of two Kurd and Arab Compatriots!
The Charter of 20 Union and Civic Organizations is Democratic and Pioneering!
A Revolution Against the Tyranny of the Shah, but Unsuccessful in Establishment of Democracy!
Farhad Meysami’s Life is in Jeopardy, Let Us Rush to His Help!
Drone Attack on Military Centers in Isfahan is Condemned!
Let Us Rush to Help the Earthquake Victims!
The Proposition of "I Give Power of Attorney" is Undemocratic and Anti-Union!
The Criminal Regime Executed Two Young Protestors!
Along with the Calls for Protests, Strikes and Gatherings on January 8
Let us Demonstrate the Power of the Revolutionary Movement by Participating in Protests and Strikes Against Imprisonments, Executions and the Islamic Republic!